Website upgrade 2024 - the decision
Website update
it is time to update this website again, this time by upgrading the CMS to Joomla 5.
I will be experimenting with Lando as an off-site web development tool and it looks quite promising.
I might add some actual photos and play a little with AI generating images as a tool.
Possible subjects
- the original purpose of the website "big gun warship combat" (google it).
- My 3d printer description with mechanical updates, a description of the new controller board and how to compile the software for it.
- A description on my experience with converting a set of IOT power switches to open source based software, so I can control them locally (and from the raspberry PI controlling my 3d printer - and automatically turn off the printer and controller, when it is done printing)
- Mercury 1 - a conversion and rebuild of my 3d Printer to a newer and much faster coreXY style 3d printer
- whatever I like
- Hits: 935